Friday, September 26, 2008

Interbike 2008: USA Crits Finals

We went to the Bicycling magazine-sponsored USA Crits Finals race at Mandalay Bay to support our 8-man VeloNews team. I don't know everyone on the team, but it included Ben Delaney (editor of VeloNews), Sean Watkins (Triathlete ad sales), Dave Walker and Mark Gouge (VN ad sales), Andy Pemberton (VN publisher), and others. 

Here we are all lined up on the fence, cheering on the team. Me, Jay, Deena, Nate, Lisa, John Duke, Lisa Bilotti, Heather Gordon, John Duke, Chris Dinneen, Jen Soule, and others who were on and off the fence. 

Ben Delaney looking tough.

Steve Frothingham and Joe Silva from

The pack chases a break, which they caught in one lap of the 6/10th mile course.

The industry race finish. Bicycling mag came in second, Ben Delaney fifth.

While milling about the hospitality tent, we saw Taylor Phinney, Mark Cavendish (who gave Jen a smooch on the cheek), George Hincapie, Henk Vogels, and the ever-present Nelson Vails.

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