Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Cucumber Martini: 5 Simple Steps to Enjoying an Ice-Cold Glass of Fresh Air

I have many favorite summer drinks: Pabst Blue Ribbon, Stella Artois, iced tea with lemonade, iced chocolate milk, a yogurt smoothie with frozen berries and salt. Some weekends require a drink with more muscle, but that doesn't mean giving up summery flavors. One of my favorites is the Cucumber Martini, which when properly made is like drinking an ice-cold glass of fresh air.

Step 1: Grow a cucumber.

Step 2: Slice off 5-7 disks. Drop one in a glass with ice.

Step 3: Stack the disks and slice into them.

Step 4: Add disks, ice, and 2 shots gin and shake, shake, shake.
My favorite gin for this drink is Hayman's Old Tom for its aromatic flavor and sweetness.

Step 5: Pour, keeping the cuke bits out of your glass. Enjoy!

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