Thursday, May 2, 2013

PubWest BookLore: Social Media for Publishing Professionals

In mid-May, I'll be presenting with Melissa Taylor of Pinterest Savvy to talk about some ways publishers are using social media.

Hope you'll join us! If so, please RSVP to Kent at

Thu, May 16, 2013 at 6:00 PM
Denver Press Club
1330 Glenarm Place
Denver, CO 80204

My part will focus on content marketing, which is using book content to sell books.

I’m going to talk briefly about online promo effectiveness and then spend some time on how I used WordPress, Facebook, and Twitter to promote:

This will include some gimmickry, SEO, meta-tagging, keywording, post timing, cross-posting, and poaching celebrity Twitter handles.

I’ll then compare the effectiveness of content marketing with traditional online advertising by using online metrics and book sales data.

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