Thursday, October 22, 2009

News for Nerds Update: Google and Windows 7 Edition

Google now commands 6% of all internet traffic. Relatively, that doesn't sound like much. Absolutely, that is a lot of internet traffic. Take that Facebook!

But Google isn't paying much for all that bandwidth. Why? It seems that Google has been buying up huge amounts of previously unused fiber optic cable. Google doesn't just draw traffic, Google actually transports its own traffic. Google also seems to trade traffic with other large cable owners in a "swap", with no money changing hands. "YouTube's Bandwidth Bill Is Zero"

Microsoft released Windows 7 today. Lifehacker, my favorite tech blog, released its Complete Guide to Windows 7 which includes:
  • how best to install it (upgrade vs. clean, partition vs. traditional)
  • new features in Win 7
  • new mouse and keyboard shortcuts
  • tweaks, hacks, and more
I've been using Win 7 since July, and I'm loving it. Then again, I've been using Win 7 on a screamin' new PC, so that might be juicing its performance.

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