Thursday, October 1, 2009

News for Nerds Update

Whoa! I really fell off the blog pace there, didn't I? What happened? Well, I was training for a 5K, ran it, got sick, and went to Interbike. Now I'm back, still recovering, and just now checking the news. Funny how the world moves on, even when you check out for awhile. So here's where I'm behind the curve:

Tungle makes Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCal talk to each other. No more "I didn't get your meeting invite because you're on a Mac!" excuses?

Take a look at Lifehacker's intro to Google Wave, Google's new integration of email, IM chat, and web apps for online collaboration.

I've been a die-hard eat-lunch-outer. I spent thousands of my first job's meager salary exploring Baltimore's Lexington Market. When I moved to Washington, DC, I blew my cash on Starbucks and pay-by-the-pound buffets (blech). In Boulder, I've been burning cash at Salvaggio's Deli, the Spicy Pickle, Ozo, and the like. This isn't the most affordable noontime nosh strategy. Here are some suggestions I haven't yet tried on how to make packing a lunch less like tossing a frozen burrito into a sack:

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