Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I just lost my wife to Facebook

Surely my wife can say the same about my half dozen websites, this blog, and all the online news sources I read daily, but now it appears that turn-about is fair play: I've lost her to Facebook.

She signed up one hour ago, and has since run down the laptop battery completely. She's barely glanced up to watch the Olympics; her first break from NBC since opening ceremonies. She keeps exclaiming to long-lost classmates, "XYZ, you can be my friend!".

I'm not on Facebook, so watching her reactions has been somewhat fascinating. Obviously, "Facebook" draws its inspiration from the class yearbook and the class reunion: you get to see what your acquaintances and enemies look like now.

Slightly disturbing to me, though it doesn't bother my wife, is seeing how many of our friends are on Facebook already. It feels a little like a class reunion I wasn't invited to or a club that I'm not a part of. Are all our friends happily chatting away online while I'm busy polishing my resume on LinkedIn? I'm not sure which is more lame.

Just now, my wife: "Now I have two friends! This is just like junior high - I just want so much for everyone to be my friend!"

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