Saturday, February 2, 2008

113 Days til the Bolder Boulder

These are just two of my least favorite things - jogging and cold weather. But it's February and time to roll out of my "four month taper" and start getting back into shape.

So with 113 days 'til the Bolder Boulder, here's my favorite winter jogging outfit:
1. short-sleeved t-shirt under a long-sleeved t-shirt...
2. ...tucked into splash-resistant, wind-blocking, loose-fitting pants
3. my usual synthetic, low-cut socks and running shoes
4. old pair of wool gloves
5. fleece vest
6. fleece hat

Why I like this outfit:
1. The full coverage and layering are warm enough to prevent the shock of cold air or chills.
2. Everything fits loosely and breathes so I don't swelter. In fact, I barely sweat in this outfit.
3. I can still unzip, untuck, roll up sleeves/pants, or even strip down without having to carry anything in my hands.

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