Sunday, February 17, 2008

The cycling spectating season has begun!

A quick round-up of interesting news relating to the Tour of California (ToCA), the unofficial kickoff to the cycling spectator's spectating season:

1. Dave Towle, cycling race announcer, is doing video interview-style promo work for Amgen, the title sponsor for the ToCA. Way to spinoff into more career options, Dave!

2. The ToCA website is surprisingly content-rich. It's combination travel guide, race guide, and merchandiser. I'm impressed.
I'm sure VeloNews is providing most of the race content, which would explain Towle's work above. Speaking of VN, I'm stoked to see the new live race coverage site that's rolling out with ToCA. If the new VeloNews website is any indication, the live race coverage will be about 400% better than it was last year at this time.

3. Just a few days after the "Astana-shing" news broke that the former Discovery Channel Cycling Team (now Astana) won't be allowed to race the Tour de France and several other races this year, Levi Leipheimer has a protest petition. Fat lot of good it'll do him, other than selling some t-shirts and hats.

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