Saturday, February 2, 2008

Today's News

Why does it take so long to publish a book? Oh, sure - just blame it on sales and marketing! My little piece of the puzzle involves the publicity sentence, minus the fancy lunches and dinners. I also help as "inside sales" trying to convince the book trade to "get excited" about a book.

The Irish government began taxing plastic grocery bags (33 cents per bag) and their usage dropped 94% in just weeks. Did you know that paper grocery bags might not be any better for the environment than plastic? Reusable is the way to go. Just buy a few reusable ones and keep them in your car. We've been given many for free at town fair-type events, and despite off-and-on use over several years, not a single one has broken or punctured.

A little preview of Super Bowl 2008 ads. The New York Times says the ads will be "gentle and sweet", aka "boring".

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